Qbrew data for 2005 hops

One of the wonderful things about QBrew is that you can edit your own config files. The qbrewdata file is simple XML and you can add ingredients, change IBUs, add styles, etc. I did this last year because the IBUs on the hops differed from my stock (and they differ year to year).

This year I’ve again updated the IBUs on my hop list, as well as added a few varieties that weren’t on the list. I also added my most frequent yeast, California Ale. Lastly, I added an Imperial IPA category to the list using the BJCP style guidelines for that newly recognized style.

I doubt you’ve any interest in my changes, but here’s a copy of my qbrewdata. Just remove the .xml and put it into the same folder as your application and you’re set.

usually C:\Program Files\qbrew\ on windows, and mac/linux users are smart enough to figure that out on their own since its a more involved installation.