Grain Dust Boogers

You know those dirty boogers you get when you work outside, or around sawdust? Well, I have those right now from grain dust. I milled a bunch of grain on Saturday morning, and am still working it out of my system.

Oh, but it was worth it though. I bought 25lbs of grain, 2 vials of yeast, and a bottle drying rack for $26. The bottle rack is for Scott. I’ve nearly forgotten what bottles do 🙂

7 thoughts on “Grain Dust Boogers”

  1. I milled all of it. I’m going to vaccum seal it though. Should keep it safe.

  2. Milled it with Nev’s grain mill. I would have liked to not mill it just yet, but beggers can’t be choosy.

  3. you could have just put the grain under your tires and driven over it mutiple times with the car….:)

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