Danzig Baltic Porter

Yesterday, as rain poured down outside the open garage, a Baltic porter was born. A few friends joined to get a refresher in partial mash brewing (extract plus steeping grains). We started the morning with a quick recipe, a trip to Homebrew Exchange (which is open Sundays thankyouverymuch), and got the water heating. I had to do some reading again to remind myself how to do an extract batch, but the savings in setup, time, and cleanup were a nice change of pace. To mix things up, and to get beer a little sooner, we decided to split the beer in two carboys and pitch one with british ale yeast and the other with California lager yeast (2 packs on a recommendation from the shopkeeper). Brew day was easy, and the extra hands around meant that cleanup (and carrying the 6+ gallons for beer to the basement) was much easier.

Anyway, here’s the recipe:


  • 23 lbs light malt extract
  • 1.25 lbs chocolate malt
  • 1 lbs Munich
  • 1 lbs Vienna
  • 1 lbs Crystal 60L
  • 1 lbs Crystal 80L
  • 0.5 lbs black patent


  • 3oz Palisades @ 60min
  • 3.5 oz Glacier @ 10min


  • British Ale Yeast
  • California Lager Yeast x2
  • Irish Moss

OG came in at 1.087. Get to work yeast!

